Monday, January 16, 2012

Art of the Title: There seem to be a lot of interesting, almost non-standard, edits in the piece. It doesn’t look like the usual choices were made in terms of what to cut to next.

Angus Wall: Well I didn’t want it to be predictable. I suppose I wanted to push it without being completely disorienting. Although there’s a cut in one of the versions where we do a 180 degree reverse cut... we had many conversations about that cut because it is a little disorienting. But I like that kind of stuff. I like things that throw you off just for a moment. Not to confuse you permanently, but where you go “Whoa, where am I right now?” Then you reorient yourself. I like films that do that, stay ahead of the viewer. You can be a little bit more adventurous about your shot construction, blocking and staging in a title sequence. I just didn’t want it to feel too pre-programmed. There were limitations on how the shots were constructed and yes, they were designed as a sequence, but they were also designed to be good standalone shots as well.
Pentos final render (Click to Enlarge)

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