Monday, January 16, 2012

Art of the Title: Are you working with the same people that you worked with before, or is it different for every production?

Angus Wall: It was by in large the same people that I've worked with before, which is nice. They were very, very supportive of what we were doing. One of the things that came out of our conversations were the bands on the astrolabe — they’re the bands that surround the sun. We show three close-ups of those bands that tell the pre-history of the world in relief-sculpture form. They tell about dragons attacking Westeros. They tell about how the different houses on Westeros got together and defeated those dragons, and how those houses, represented by their respective animals, bowed in allegiance to the Baretheon stag.
Astrolabe concept art (Click to Enlarge)

We initially had five of these depictions, but found that even with three, we were right on the edge of being able to understand what's happening in the sequence... which is a place I like. I like the fact that you think, "I'm not sure that I got everything that I was supposed to be getting out of that." You're going to see this ten times during the first season and we wanted to make sure that there was room for people to see new things with each viewing.

Astrolabe final render (Click to Enlarge)

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